There's lots of new and exciting things happening for LRR and boy am I ever busy!
Since the store reopen the response has been really over whelming thanks to every one who made a purchase this week. You guys ROCK!
As you can see from image above, Im working on a new blinky. I just thought the old one was looking a little bit tired.
Ive designed 3 different images so far and Im just tossing up which one I like best.
Its a little time consuming, for instance the one above originally had a blue bike and now that just wouldn't do so I had to change it to red.
Any way when I decide on which one I like Ill create a blinky code so you can all have one for your blog if you want.
Ive also designed some new labels for my packaging and Im working on a new banner for the blog and maybe a make over.
Unfortunately Ive had to order the ink for my printer because they didn't have any in stock so the new bottle tops wont be ready til next week or the following week.
The good news is that I have 2 new sets of really cute vintage flash cards and 5 new and AWESOME fabrics on order and 2 on back order so, we will have another fantastic shop update next month.
There are also some other hand made embellies previously unseen in the store that are now in the planning stages and I hope to have them ready for the next update but Ill keep those a surprise for now.
I also have 4 new sets of lace to add to the shop early next week.
I can hardly believe that LRR will be having its 1 year birthday in the first week of October so stay tuned for a really BIG give away.
OK thats it for me. Ive had waaaaay too many late nights this week and we are off for our little family get away this week end so I guess Ill see you all on Monday. TFL.